Thu 02 Jan
Baby Upscale Very clean Very Open LEOINN Let Me B Your Freak INcalls Or Outcallsbaby - 21
(Oklahoma city)
VISITING ★ _______ 38DD BLONDE ★ _______ AVAILABLE 24.7 ★ CALL NOW★ - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Incalls Only°°★°° Odessa)
SuPeR - HoTt BlOnDE bOmBsHeLL>> * Call ThIs SNOW* BUNNY * NoW * FuNN Funn fuNN! - 23
(midland/odessa/big spring/seminole tx)
Flawless Playmate! 🎨 MY BODY IS A WORK OF ART 🎨 Tan & Toned Latina MODEL 🎨 pictures taken 5-7-14 - 26
(Midland / Odessa, Midland incall💄 Y HABLO ESPANOL TAMBIEN)
AMAZINGLY Beautiful 💋ASHLYNN ROSE 5⭐️ Provider // NEW To Midland/Odessa♥️ Blonde BOMBSHELL - 21
(Midland / Odessa, JBS)
Latina 100% seductive and sexy@@@ call me!!!!! - 23
(Northern Virginia, manassas/ incall ( 234 / 66 ))
Welcome Gentlemen! Let's Enjoy Ourselves together! *~ Mature Independent Blonde *~ Stockings *~ - 35
(Las Vegas, NorthWest, your place)
☆WoW ☆——————◆ G0RGE0US BABE ◆—————————☆ SM0KING H0T BL0NDE ☆ —————————◆ JUST VISITING ◆ - 22
(Las Vegas, Your Place Only)
×°x°× F®AKy K aNs- ASs P-r-i-NS-e-Ss ×°x°×New To Your Town - 18
(las vegas off strip)
(( * WiLD ___ WETNeSS * )) sExYHoTTiE (( *tIgHt pInK pU.S.S.y* ))
/:\ W*E*T & W*I*L*D /;\ FUN /:\ Ready whenever you are!!!!! /;\ Independent & Real 702-505-7800 - 29
WANTED (( EARLY BiRDS )) MOVE -:- YOUR -:- BUTT -:- iN -:- MY -:- DiRECTiON!!
(((Incall)) NOW!! ((Incall)))
(-- WANNA * Some * Fun * with * Sexy Sexy * Asian * Girl ? --) - 24
(NorthWest, Only Hotels & Locals)
(Well Reviewed) 100 Hh Limited Time 💖 Naughty Natural Babe 💋 100 Hh Limited Time 💖 CALL NOW - 23
(Las Vegas, South Point/Strip/Airport/Henderson)
*** Why Settle 4 Less When You can Have THE BEST??*** LATINBarbie *** 1000% Accurate Pic's **** - 23
(Las Vegas)
Where are all the bad boy at? I need you to be at My feet today!!!!! Kinky Freaky Nasty Wild - 43
****** Welcome ***SEMA****** ConVenTion SpEciALS!! **** Fun *** SeXy *** - 24
(Las Vegas, hotel/motel)
★•*¨¨*•Visiting VEGAS💚💚 ••➤ TOTAL PACKAGE ✅✅ •••➤ Sexy & Sweet 💚💚 •••➤ BLONDE BOMBSHELL ✅✅ ★★★★★ - 23
(Las Vegas, Incall near the strip &Outcalls;)
💟💟ViVa LaS VeGaS 🐤🐥🐣 SuNDay NiGhT $PECiAL$ 🐥🐣 ExOtIC EbOny💞 Bombshell 💣🍭🍭🍭 BiG BooTy 🍑 PlayMate😻😘😏 - 23
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas strip; incall&outcall;)
(((V!s!T!nG))) XxX Rated Petite Ebony Chick!! In / Out Call Specials!! - 21
(In..South Strip... Out Call Available...)
% % % % % ____________ **(( (( WeLcOmE tO PaRaDiSe!! )) ))** ___________% % % % % - 21
(LAS VEGAS/out call)
💟💟ViVa LaS VeGaS 🐤🐥🐣 MoNdAy NiGhT $PECiAL$ 🐥🐣 ExOtIC EbOny💞 Bombshell 💣🍭🍭🍭 BiG BooTy 🍑 PlayMate😻😘😏 - 23
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas strip; incall&outcall;)
Very Sexy, Classy, Clean,Safe Ebony Mode*l Just A °o♥° PHONE CALL Away - 24
(Las Vegas, Sahara fort apache)
vISITING mature . Brazilian girlS independent Aloha, - 28
(Las Vegas, NorthWest, SOUTH 253 468 9622 incall/outcall)
Verified and Certified.. Ebony Bombshell.. In town for a Limited time..With Class, Sass and Asss! - 25
Visiting From Cali...GET RID OF THE FAKES ♥TrY SOMeTHING REAL! Exact N Real Pics!!! - 31
(Las Vegas, outcall)